
Perfectly logical given the horrific nature of your experience.

Wouldn't you want to blank out or stuff down an event like that?

I did, so I understand if that is your deal too.


I didn't know the difference between suppressing and repressing at first, so I found out.

Suppression = conscious efforts/activity

Repression = unconscious effort/activity


And then I had to ask myself:

What would that look like if I were using either of them to manage my symptoms and pain?

5 SYMPTOMS OF SUPPRESSION                                                   

Substance Abuse   alcohol and drug use to numb emotions/pain or escape reality

Overworking & Other Physical Activities   no extra time to think or feel

Distraction Techniques   tv, video games, streaming, internet/social media browsing

Avoidance Behavior   bypass situations, people, or places that remind them of the incident

Perfectionism & Control   control all environments for 'safety' or achieve perfection for distraction from internal turmoil

5 SYMPTOMS OF REPRESSION                                                     

Memory Gaps   BIG ONE   difficulty recalling specific events or periods in the past, sometimes related to traumatic or distressing experiences

Dreams & Nightmares   repressed emotions might surface in unsettling dreams

Unexplained Emotional Reactions   sudden emotional outburst or feelings of anxiety/sadness that are not relatable to present experiences

Psychosomatic Symptoms   physical symptoms or illnesses that have no clear medical cause

Problems with Introspection   difficult to reflect on feelings or identify emotional states

Do you recognize yourself in any of these?

From personal experience, I know that the longer the suppression/repression continues, the worse life becomes - mentally, emotionally, physically, financially etc.



You didn't ask for this experience and the life-wrecking results of it,

yet there is a way out.

Healing can happen faster than you can imagine.

It did for me once I got on the right path.


Other significant traumas such as domestic or other forms of violence also display these characteristics and can be worked with using my same 4 Level Healing protocol employed in Sexual Assault Trauma remediation.

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