Minimize or Completely Eliminate Trauma Symptoms & Triggers 
Using Accelerated Techniques to Feel Better Faster

Are you a self starter and self-led person who has the inner tools and brain power to be successful in all areas of your life, but feel you keep stumbling and just can't pull it together? 

And, to add even more confusion, you can't understand the 'why' of it? You know you got the goods, but where are they hiding? How do you go about accessing your authentic and abundant capabilities and then thriving?

There literally feels like something inside of you is holding you back, something is blocking your creativity and forward movement.

Do you wish you could just bust loose, get out of that unknown inner confinement and zip on down the road? 

Have you experienced a traumatic event(s) and believed you had put it all behind you?

The residue of traumatic events can cause all kinds of missteps and blockages to experiencing the inner freedom and outer movement necessary to create a joyful connection with life and your very Soul.

Traumatic episodes generate symptoms and triggers in your subconscious that can cause you to have distorted perceptions of situations and people around you. This may result in distorted reactions and responses that initiate outer conflict with other people or inner conflict within yourself that can be debilitating, to say the very least.

The trauma symptoms and triggers have truly installed a new 'value set' of distorted information into your subconscious.  Our conscious life is informed from the great storehouse of the subconscious in every waking moment, so the new 'value set' is affecting our thought processes in every moment and becomes the new normal from which we operate.

Sometimes, you may not even be aware that you are sabotaging yourself with what you are saying or doing and at other times, you are well aware that you are sabotaging yourself with what you are saying or doing but don't seem to have the power to stop it.

The good news is that this can be remedied.

Childhood traumas of verbal/physical/sexual indignities or incest?
Profound losses?
A stranger-related physical/sexual assault(s)?
A relationship of verbal/physical aggressions?
An addiction?
A diagnoses of PTSD and/or DA?
A psychic/spiritual attack and/or current intrusion/aggression
A sudden life change that has you in deep turmoil?
Feeling 'stuck' in general and unable to define the 'why'?
✬ Release from emotions, specific traumas and invasive consciousness 
that were devitalizing you and your ability to function.
✬ Your heart opening, accepting and giving more love to yourself and others. 
✬ Clarity.  Sometimes things go from being cloudy and blurry 
to crystal clear when we get out from under our symptoms.
✬ More control over how you respond to family, friends and 
co-workers and in all areas of your professional life. 
✬ The inner freedom and clearer wisdom to make different and 
helpful choices instead of self-sabotaging actions. 
          ✬ Increased physical vitality by having more available energy.  
✬ Feeling much better, lighter, happier, different in a good way and more 
enthusiasm to step forward and fully express yourself!
Finally feeling good
It doesn't get any better than that


Overcoming severe life challenges has given me the ability to help you, to identify with you, to understand your pain, confusion and sometimes overwhelming frustration and fear about how and when, if ever, you will feel better. Working with someone who profoundly gets and appreciates that your struggle is real could be comforting to you.  And also knowing that I got to the other side of that struggle with the same tools I use with you may empower you to move forward. (About Me)

Extensive training in and practicing of the accelerated healing arts plus natural esoteric talents has honed me into a finely-tuned instrument that could be of interest to you in your healing journey. Tracking into and neutralizing the sources of emotional and fear issues of every calibre, inner conflicts, deep-seated pain resulting from trauma, fragmentation causation and spirit intrusion are considerable tools at your disposal.

Working and consulting with Clients globally including the US, Canada, Great Britain, Australia, South America, France, India, Cambodia, Sweden, Spain, Hong Kong etc., has afforded the broader understanding that we may live in various places, yet we are all human and have the same challenges.





In Love With You,
Aniel Lia Love
All Rights Reserved