Chakra Removal
Speeding Up Evolution And Connection To A Feel-Good Place

Chakra System - A Game Piece

In our original form, we have a far superior energy system than the chakras.  
It is the energy system of Source which WE are.

I was checking my chakras years ago and discovered that a few were not there and others were in the process of deteriorating. This was not shocking or troubling. Losing old energy systems seemed like a natural progression, and I'll explain why.

We come here to play in this body and on this planet experiencing duality consciousness. To effect this playground we enter into many layers of density, accumulate encapsulating energetic debris and separate further from our Source - our true essence - to play the hide and seek game with ourSelves/Source. 

Being fully immersed and mobile here requires myriad mechanisms and the chakra system seemed to be one of them. 

Playing this duality consciousness game is a roller coaster ride, as we all know, and becoming weary of the duality game, my intentions are that this life is the last ride, the final embodiment in the duality octave. 

With the intention of this being the last ride, I steadily remove densities/impediments to exit this game and, as they are deleted, I evolve/expand so that alignment with my true, original consciousness, Source, slowly but surely integrates and makes the chakras obsolete/nonexistent. That is why it made perfect sense, to me, that my chakras were disappearing. 

A Surprising Discovery

Shortly after noticing my chakras were on their way out, I stumbled across information saying the chakra system was an overlay or insertion used to control us. 

Whether that is the full story or not is up for personal inquiry, however the premise that we do not need the system was already resonating in my core. Given the possibility of it being a control mechanism, I finished removing what remained of my system and took notes of the procedures and resistances that were attached to and invested in keeping it all in place.

Why Remove The Chakras?

There is always, always something going on in the chakras.  They either are not spinning correctly, damaged, need balancing, not in correct place, filled with gunk etc. They are used as storage containers and accumulators of debris that we either created or have been created for us and keep everything moving at a slow crawl.

When the chakras are present 
they may create a magnificent hindrance to our evolution in terms of housing confusion and matrices that serve as blockages and barriers to our 'stuff' finding its way for healing and, ultimately, alignment with our own Source. 

We are here to participate in a grand, convoluted puzzle and once we begin putting the pieces in place, the bigger picture becomes clearer and clearer.  We begin to awaken, notice and discern greater and greater levels of disinformation, corrupted guidance and, most important, our own bulls***. 

Remember a vast portion of our awakening is coming to terms and rectifying our own contributions, whether they be unconscious or conscious actions, to the sacred mess we may be in.

Chakra Removal Protocol

The Chakra Removal Protocol is a pre-designed clearing package with distinct guidelines.  That means that exact indicators (a checklist) will be checked and cleared in relation to the chakra removal. 

In conjunction with the checklist, I had specific, personal resistances to clearing my chakra structure. Your story is not my story and you will also have your personal resistant forces/hindrances to neutralize along with the checklist.  These will surface as we do the removal work, same as happened in my instance.

The kundalini system may also be a detrimental overlay and the removal of it is included in the chakra removal and, again, only personal inquiry can verify if that is your truth.  This is not a cut-and-dried situation.

Not A Cure All

Very important to understand.  This is another step in our evolution, not the end all.  The heavens will not open up nor will you hear the angels sing after this extraction. As in all facilitation work, there is usually a noticeable subtle shift, then after integration time, a new normal is established and life continues.  

From my personal experience, I can advise you that I continue to work daily on myself even years after the chakra removal. My 'stuff' still arises, makes itself known and then is cleared. Alignment with Who I Really Am is an ongoing awareness and goal.

This May Not Be Your Truth

If the chakra structure and the removal of it is not your truth, then there is no reason for you to even consider this process.  If you have never heard of this system and the entire spiritual schmiritual environment seems like total bulls*** to you, then go with that.
2 - 4 Hour Process

As always, the length of any facilitation session depends on the receptivity and resistance that is in your Quantum Field.  Everybody's accumulated experiences are different.  

For instance, one Client was so embedded in his present-life family timeline that much effort had to be made to extract him from that timeline first. His family timeline was prohibiting the removal. That session was the longest one ever in relation to Chakra removal at 4 hours. 
Another Client had a very stubborn false Kundalini overlay plus the authentic Kundalini system and neither were budging. Particular resistances are always unknowns until we dive in.

How Do I Know If I Am Ready For This?

If you are not 100% committed, then this may not be for you.  During initial chats with several lovely people, we determined that the Removal was just not right for them at that time.  We did, however, schedule other work that was appropriate.

Am I Lagging Behind In My Evolution If I Don't Do This?

No! Our evolution is happening within our own self-created universe encompassing a highly personalized sequence of movements and distinct progression points.  Many people that retain their chakras do just fine and people who have no clue as to what the chakras are do just fine too in their evolution toward alignment.

There is no one-size-fits-all system to get us 'there' whatever 'there' means.  You are perfectly perfect just as you are in this very moment - not less than or greater than anyone else.  There is no 'right' or 'wrong' way to walk.  We are all in this beautiful muckity muck together, and it would be beneficial for us to recognize and respect the beauty of everyone around us.

If we can dream up this game, I can only imagine what else is available. 
And remember, no worries, no hurries. 
We have eternity to work it out.

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Please note:

I am unable to guarantee specific results from any Service that 
I offer, and I only offer what has personally worked for me. 
My success may not equal success for you so, as always, utilize your 
own personal wisdom to determine if this is right for you.