Am I Here to Change the World?

Recently a quote came into view that struck a nerve:  

I didn't come here to change the world.  
I came here for the world to change me.

After sitting with this a moment, I realized that my small 'self' was dictating that my purpose here was to change the world. That thought now feels arrogant.  

How dare I presume what is good for each individual on the planet and mass consciousness in its totality!  How can I KNOW what that is?  I can't.  After dwelling on this for a bit, two points landed home.  

 #1  I Came Here To Be Changed First And Foremost 
In Duality Consciousness

Having experiences that are painful, whether they be physical or emotional, are one key ingredient in this duality setup. The other key ingredient is the experiences that are blissfully, sensually felt and can be described as the opposite of painful. 

And when I say sensually I mean all those 'feeling' pleasures in the 3D vibe - eating, touching, hearing etc. - that appear to be beautiful and delightful.  I can't have these kinds of exquisite journeys, painful or sensual, in an ethereal/nonphysical form apart from a physical body.

Effort is required to be in this dense body.  It takes commitment and bravery to step into a playing field that may be fraught with 'bad' events, 'bad' people and less than positive outcomes. There are always gifts to be gleaned from 'bad' events though.  

The point, for me, in all this is to reach a position of masteryA position of having experienced the worst and the best and being able to stay in neutral, and in effect witness and maintain a stance of non judgment whether an event is good or bad. 

To get to that level of mastery, my journey has been severely convoluted and painful beyond measure...same as everyone else.  And now I am saying 'No more. I have had enough and now ready to move to a different paradigm.' How do I reverse this and move from here?  

That has required back tracking, so to speak, and dissolving all the built up, solidified densities in, through and around me resulting from point of entry into 3D to the now moment.  THAT process in itself can require lifetimes or, perhaps, an extremely focused and dedicated single-tracked purpose in one lifetime. 

Even though there are many folk amassed on the planet at any given time, this is still a singular journey of sensation and exploration.  And, ultimately, to successively finish the journey in duality consciousness our efforts must be placed squarely on us and what is best to wrap this up and move on to the next thing.  

That kind of radical focus can seem like selfishness and IT IS.  But to move on and become a Creator Of A Different Experience, selfishness must prevail.  We don't have a clue, in this form, to the possibilities of what is to come and how that will appear.

#2  When I Do Change And Am Free Of Densities, 
Does THAT Change The World?  

From my perspective it could.  

With all of us carrying massive amounts of densities and living and interacting on this small planet, it seems that there is a thickness, a heaviness that IS mass consciousness.  

So those that choose to remain here and continue their experience in duality will continue to build that heaviness and pile density on top of density.  

That results in perpetuating the planet's stability in duality consciousness.  The dark bubble remains tight and secure and one of the reasons it can be so challenging to get up and out of here. 

When even one Being begins to shed densities, that relieves the overall pressure in mass consciousness and affords more open space for our Selves/authentic life force energy.

Beauty is then created. So, in effect, it does seem that as I backtrack and heal, mass consciousness is also affected.  And that is a side dish to the main course.

The main course being my experience, my evolution and all movements necessary to get out of the 3D world, the false matrices of the reincarnational cycle and the light and dark aspects of polarity.                                                                                                              
There is A LOT to it, but we wouldn't have it any other way.  This planet and the control and enslavement structures endure the test of time and work us as no other environment has ever done.

I have heard that this planet is the toughest show in the entire galactic array, and I believe it.  To get past the guards and the big bad warden and into the freedom zone IS the name of the game. This world is showing me just that.

Can you imagine what we will be able to create and how we will be able to maneuver once we master this existence? 

Unlimited possibilities! 

In Love With You,
Aniel Lia Love
All Rights Reserved



  1. Well said. Boy, to never have to return but only choose to come to help others...Mastery of Freedom...Tis for Freedom we have been set free! Thanks, again, Aniel Love <3 :)
    TK Mago

    1. You're welcome and thanks for visiting TK:)
