BEFORE entering the 3rd dimensional earth plane, 

before I was born, I had a memory, my first memory... 

I existed

I was infinite spaciousness inside infinite spaciousness.  

Infinity inside infinity. No bounds, no edges to my 

existence and to that which I was within. 

Was I truly within it or was all of it within me? 

There was no color, no light, no dark, no sound.  

It was a nothingness.  

I was a nothingness that was aware. 

I wasn't male or female.  

No body, no form, no finiteness. 

I could not see with physical eyes but I was acutely aware of what was 

surrounding me which seemed to be nothing yet was everything. 

I could not hear with physical ears but there were communications. 

I knew. 


                                                           I just WAS.  I was in the IS-ness.

I was 'doing' but 'doing' with no body, no form. No effort was put forth

 in that ‘doing’ and ‘doing’ is too obvious of a 3D word to use as a 

description of those moments.  

It seemed I was busy BE-ing in the IS-ness and the ‘doing’ was in 

anticipation of something unknown but expected in 

the sense of ‘what was next?’ 

Yet the feeling of that phrase was not that pronounced in my BE-ingness. 

Subtlety encompassed ALL. Subtlety communicated ALL.

Another BEing approached. I do not hear or see here, I could only feel it, 

know it was there. It, too, was without form like me. 

No identification was offered. No identifications there. 

I felt nothing concerning the other BE-ing and did not even register 

that a feeling was required in this encounter. 

Then the BE-ing communicated with me, which did not come in words, 

only a knowing and translated into a request for me to 

do something different, to make a change. 

That part is heavily veiled and unknown.  So is the part of 

what I was preparing to do.

I agreed to the changes that were presented.  




The next thing I 'know' and see, with physical eyes, is a screen door, and I am 

in physical form, yet not totally inhabiting the physical form. 

That is an impossibility.   

I still feel massive in my BEingness... 

I AM everywhere all at once and 

operating from my Is-ness but 

there seems to be edges now. 

Edges and finite shapes. 

The point of focus is whatever I am seeing through now, 

the eyes, although my consciousness, my awareness 

is completely engulfing everything.

I am not very high.  

I am not even half way up the screen door and low to the ground.


It is all new and foreign, yet also known at the same time. 

Seems that I have been 'here' before but not the physical here of this round.


I look out the screen door and see something tumbling by, 

don't know what, don't know much except that 

I am not where I was before I awoke here.  

Go to black.


Words are sorely inadequate in describing Who I Really Am and the pre-birth memory environment.

As I traveled through this life in duality consciousness, playing the game, having all the trials and tribulations that we all face, I always carried that pre-birth memory with me.

Most of time I was in denial of the memory especially when life presented rather acute episodes of trauma/drama. I questioned the viciousness of life and the 'why me?' scenario. Plain old victim stuff.

I also kept the memory to myself lest everyone think me a freak. I already felt unusual and like I didn't fit in, so didn't want to stir the pot and make things worse for myself.

When I finally got sick and tired of being sick and tired, I began the journey out of victim consciousness which, in itself, is a significant haul. One has to take that step, though, to finally be able to reconnect with Who We Really Are. 

There is no traction until victimhood is faced and at some point I began telling others about the pre-birth memory. The memory began to be a comfort and touchstone to me as I crawled out of my hole. I KNEW there was something other than the slop we create for ourselves.

It was a constant reminder that I lived in an unreal place and that the real REAL was awaiting and had my back.

Aniel Lia Love
All Rights Reserved

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