Spirit Releasement Therapy                                                                          Integrative Energy Healing

SRT is the removal and relocation of unseen, intrusive consciousness/entities from other dimensions that are not part of your original energetic structure and human body.

These removal actions re-establish better flow of universal life force energy all around your physical and nonphysical bodies, and also initiate greater potential for physical, emotional and spiritual wellness and freedom

The unseen world enveloping you is copious and rich with living consciousness and energy mass. Since you only see a limited 1% of the visible light spectrum which is the physical world around you, (The Unseen World And Cognitive Dissonance), you can only imagine what is in the other 99% that you are unable to see.  

That is a lot of territory for other worlds and Beings to exist and roam.

I have been trained extensively in SRT.

Spirit Releasement Therapy encompasses the resolution of: 

Intrusive & hostile entities & their individually-related bags of tricks
Earthbound/disembodied spirits
Other entities/energy structures
Past lives
Personal fragmentation recovery & healing 

These are the general categories, however there are additional, copious realities and possibilities that pop up during a work session.

The Trauma Aspect

Spirit Releasement Therapy is also trauma reduction.  The BEings in the outer realms carry substantial trauma as well. Their trauma becomes your trauma so when they go, your trauma load also diminishes.

Non-beneficial energy structures/entities = trauma fields = inner conflict = unbalanced life 

Spirit Releasement IS Integrative Energy Healing
 in that it's successful use impacts All That We Are and 
paves the way for literal integration of our Soul/Authentic Self.


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